Foodbank Australia Donation

Cater Plus employees, along with the Cater Plus Foundation have raised an impressive $2,500 to support communities impacted by the Australian Bushfires. This sum has been donated to Foodbank Australia.
Foodbank is providing emergency relief to people affected by the bushfires, sending food and water to communities as the crisis unfolds. The fires have long reaching implications; people are displaced, homes destroyed, and jobs lost. Foodbank continues to support communities while they recover, providing hot meals at evacuation centers and supplies of staple food and personal items for people returning to their homes. For every $1 donated, Foodbank can provide $6 of supplies to communities.
Foodbank has donated 5 tons of carrots and 1.5 tons of sweet potatoes to feed wildlife in National Parks in New South Wales. Other initiatives include the provision of backpacks, stationery and lunchboxes for children beginning the new school year and supporting volunteers with food while they help in bushfire devastated regions.
On top of this, Foodbank is helping people affected by drought, and the 815,000 Australians per month who experience food insecurity.
The bushfires that are currently blazing across Australia have had devastating effects. The annual bushfire season started earlier than usual, in September 2019 and has been raging across a dry country ever since.
New South Wales has been one of the worst-hit by the bushfires, though fires are blazing across six states. 33 lives have been lost, more than 3000 homes damaged or destroyed, and an estimated half a billion animals displaced or perished to date. These numbers are predicted to rise as Australia enters its hottest month of February and temperatures continue to soar over 40 degrees Celsius.
If you would like to help support Australia during this crisis visit to donate.