With the many - and somewhat daunting - social, environmental, and economic challenges we face locally and globally we knew it was time to formalise a strategy to ensure we are part of the solutions of building a truly sustainable future.
To do this, we engaged Go Well Consulting to help us identify our impacts and our corresponding levels of control and influence over those, and then formulate our strategy to guide us towards being a circular business with a regenerative impact on the environment and our communities. In simple terms this means we want to ensure we are not sending any materials to a landfill, we power our entire business operations by renewable energy, we leave every place we operate in better than we found it, and we share the prosperity of our success.
“We have always strived to do our best by our people, our industry and the wider community”
In 2012 The Cater Plus Foundation was established and is now a testament to this.

The size of these goals are not lost on us but we believe this is what’s required of businesses in the 21st century. With over 2.5 Million interactions with our customers annually we have a great opportunity to take people on our Sustainability journey
Cater Plus is proud to have defined our headline goals, why they are important to us, the challenges we face, and the targets we have set for ourselves over the next 3 years. We review this strategy quarterly and annually to ensure we make progress with our goals and they remain updated and ambitious.
"We want to ensure we are part of the solutions of building a truly sustainable future by being a circular business with a regenerative impact on the environment and our communities"
Using the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as a global benchmark for sustainable business practices we have selected 8 goals (displayed below) we feel we can have the biggest impact on, while also ensuring we are not negatively contributing to any others.
Cater Plus is actively involved in initiatives and charities which support our community and our sustainability goals.

Every year the team at Cater Plus take steps towards a healthier wellbeing, as well as supporting those in the community who need a helping hand.

"Friday Staff Meals" bringing our work families together and giving them the night off cooking during lock down.
We have organised our goals under our 3 pillars PEOPLE, PLANET and PROSPERITY

To become a circular packaging business (all packaging we receive or distribute is recycled, composted, or reused)

Zero Cater Plus food products to end up in landfill

Power our offices with 100% renewable energy while reducing total energy usage by % and support our clients to reduce their energy usage & champion the shift to renewables

Ensure the highest levels of animal welfare within our supply chain

To become a carbon negative business (we are responsible for sequestering more carbon than we emit)

Become a paperless organisation.

To be a rewarding, fulfilling and enjoyable place to work To have no staff leave our business due to workplace stress, or workplace induced health issues

Take a leadership role in educating our staff, community, and industry on the social, environmental, and economic challenges we face

To be a diverse and equal workplace where all staff are respected, valued and can freely express themselves

To grow our positive impact on the communities and local economies we operate in